Par went to church for the first time today--he wore his Sunday best (the most precious baby blue daygown) and was perfect the entire time (except for the 2 times I had to change his smelly-poopy diaper so as not to offend those around us). We sat in the back and scooted out before everyone else to protect Par from any nasty germs. We don't plan on taking him out regularly--just to church--and only if we can do it this way (in and out without chatting with people afterwards).
Par was tired and so he took a nap on and off with eating in between--this whole "home" thing is hard work and I think all three of us are finding the adjustment hard (totally worth it, just hard). I can tell it will get easier every day--we just have to get into our groove.
Par was a bit fussy...
So we gave him a bath and he completely calmed down and just enjoyed getting washed and lotioned afterwards. We took his nasal canulla off for the bath (don't worry--it was like 4 minutes) and so we took some pictures--just adorable.
Par is doing well. He seems to be breathing the same as in the NICU (sometimes a little fast)--his appetite seems good. He goes through a lot of diapers and we seem to have done laundry about 5 times since we've been home! Not only are we blessed to have our precious Par with us, but he really is such a good baby.
Please pray for Par and me to get into sync with the breast feeding--the big change has not lent itself to an easy transition for this--although I know we'll eventually get the hang of it.
We continue to seek God's will and timing for our son, as well as for ourselves. We want nothing more than to cavort around town showing off our son without his oxygen tank--but we know that God has important things planned for us during this mini-hibernation. Our prayer is that we will be able to discern His will and act accordingly.
Please join us in praying for Par's friends--they are constantly on our mind.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers. Praise God for the love He shown us through our friends and family.
Liz, Rusty & Par
he is so cute,and things will get better,love to all.
I know Par enjoyed going to church. I'm sure he had lots of things he wanted to talk to God about at His house.
You guys will find your "balance" soon. The fun part is that as soon as you find a good routine...the little buggers will switch it up on ya! Hey, I'm still trying ha ha!!
I love the pictures of his sweet little face and hope to meet Par soon!!
love - the basingers
I am glad you guys were able to get out!! It must be so hard to "mini-hibernate" with such a cutie to show off!!
Love and prayers,
Glad you got out. Guess it feels great to go somewhere besides a hospital. The pictures of Par are adorable as usual. Take care and know that we love you. Blessings, Jim and Sheila
He is still soo cute!!! I am glad you got to go to church. Hope you get settled into a new routine soon (I know you will). God Bless!!!
So glad you guys are back home - he is such a cutie patutie!! Happy New Year - it's going to be an exciting one!!
Love, Whit
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