and of course, lots of prayers.
I learned something important this morning--pray without ceasing and speak up for your child. Par's NJ tube was removed shortly after I arrived this morning, the nurse practitioner changed him to "eating on demand" and he had is MRI done at about 6:30pm this evening. I really don't know what to say. I went back and read my last post--it couldn't be any clearer how our Father really does listen to His children--we just need to ask and trust Him. Praise God for His endless blessings.
When I got there, our nurse had indicated that she had heard the discussion about the NJ tube and that they thought it should come out. Then the nurse practioner was called away and so the order was never written. That was disappointing--until our nurse said that we can't help it if he pulls it out himself...he extubated himself, he took himself off CPAP--it seems only fitting that he would pull his NJ tube out too (he actually pulls on it A LOT!) Unfortunately (or fortunately--we wouldn't want his nurse in trouble) he wasn't able to get it out...but thankfully the order finally came and so the tube came out--instant relief for our precious angel!
Par also had his hearing tested today and passed with flying colors! We are thankful but we aren't surprised--Par is SO alert and curious about every sound--he is great about turning towards people when they are talking and making eye contact--he looks so interested it seems like he has something to contribute to the conversation.
The nurse practitioner said she would probably turn his oxygen down to 100 tomorrow (keep praying) and see how he tolerates it--she indicated that he has a good chance of going home without oxygen (yay!) but still on his lasix--Dr. Kays tends to feel more comfortable knowing there is some form a lung treatment (the lasix is a dieuretic that helps keep fluid off his lungs).
We feel completely overwhelmed by everything that happened today--and Par is completely pooped, too! He loves his new eating schedule--you can tell he is way more relaxed now---even just after 12 hours. Glory to God for His gifts!
Please continue to pray for Par's friends--we ask that God will overwhelm them with His goodness and love.
May God bless each of you.
Liz, Rusty & Par
Praise God for all his blessings and praise him for having that tube taken out,that is soooooooooo wondeful and how GOD answers so many prayers,THANK YOU LORD FOR ALL YOUR AMNY BLESSINGS AND ESPECIALLY THE ONES THAT YOU ARE BRINGING INTO PARS,LIZ,AND RUSTY LIFE,LOVE TO ALL OF YOU.
Praise God for all his blessings and praise him for having that tube taken out,that is soooooooooo wondeful and how GOD answers so many prayers,THANK YOU LORD FOR ALL YOUR AMNY BLESSINGS AND ESPECIALLY THE ONES THAT YOU ARE BRINGING INTO PARS,LIZ,AND RUSTY LIFE,LOVE TO ALL OF YOU.
What a remarkable day you were blessed with!! Thank God for answering our prayers. Now you can focus on eating and maybe get home for the new year. What a blessing! Read the blog on Ella. Please tell Josh and Tina that we will send extra prayers up for them. Have a great day. Love and blessings, Jim and Sheila
What a blessing! The little sleeping smile told it all!
Prayers and thoughts continue.
Anne & Bob
Woo-hoo!! What an awesome day!! Par look sooooo happy, especially in the first picture!! Emaline noticed immediately how happy he is!! Gos is soooo good!!!
Love and prayers,
Zandra and Emaline
Thrilled at your news!!! Praising God with you. Can't wait to hear more fabulous news. Love Allison
He's just amazing, and you two are awesome parents. Hang in there, you'll be home with precious Par soon!
Tim and Leanne
I LOVE the top picture of Par. He looks so content. I am praying you guys get home soon. We finally got Jack home last night after another 16 day stay for his reherniation surgery and related complications. I read some of your older posts that I missed and I can sense your frustration. Just keep your faith and strength. It will get easier when you're home. I pray for your new goal of getting home by New Years.
Love & prayers,
mom to Jack, 8-20-07, LCDH/ECMO
I do believe I see a little Pop Webb in that last picture!!
I love seeing babies' little cheeks fill out! I just want to squeeze Par to pieces! We are praying for God's good timing for your trip home!!
Leslee and family
Our little Mini-Me is fantastic! I'm glad he conveyed to you what he wanted about the tubes and the feedings and you were able to convey these important things to the staff. Their positive response just proves again that God is good...
Love to all,
Aunt "Jude" in NC
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