The week has been productive in the sense that we are running a small sweat-shop here at the Homewood Suites—I’ve been working on making hand-embroidered Christmas ornaments (24 in all) and mom has been working on the baptismal gown’s matching bonnet and slip. I’ve finished the ornaments and mom finished the bonnet so we have now started on Christmas stockings. Mom is knitting Philip Andrew’s and I am knitting Rusty’s and mine—this is my first knitting project that actually involves following instructions and stuff. I’ve enclosed a picture of the work in progress—Rusty and mom are sick of me showing it to them so I thought I would reach out to the masses.
The weather has been yucky (sort of ever since mom returned from Bham on Friday) so we’ve been inside a lot. Obviously, I didn’t have the baby on the 26th (the full moon) and I think it is probably because the fires in California really threw off the gravitational pull of the earth on that day—thus, the baby felt no extra pressure to come.
Other than craft projects, church on Sunday and the “few” Lifetime movies we’ve taken in—nothing much to report. We ate dinner with Tina and Josh on Saturday night (Ella’s parents) and it was nice to talk about their little girl and Philip Andrew—and then just about a lot of funny stories that have happened. Please pray for their precious daughter that she may continue to grow strong. I did have my doctor’s appointment on Tuesday and do I have fabulous news to report!!!!!—I beat the system!!!! For those who have followed the last few blog updates it seems I have had an ongoing issue with making it to the correct appointments and such. Well, when I left the doctor last week I stopped at the check out desk and attempted to make my appointment for this week—the girl typed a few things and said—“You are all set, see you at 2:30 on Tuesday!” So I left thinking I had an appointment on Tuesday at 2:30—but I knew that it probably wasn’t true. Unfortunately, I didn’t bother to check on it since I was so sure I would have the baby before my next appointment—but then this Tuesday rolled around and so I called to verify my time on Tuesday morning—but they were closed for lunch from 11-1pm. So I thought long and hard and decided that my appointment was most likely at 1pm (because back in July that is when all my original appointments were scheduled) and so off I went—either on time or way early—either way I wasn’t going to let them win again. I walked in and gave them my name and said I might be a little early—the girl looked at the chart and said—“Nope, you have a 1:20 appointment—you are right on time, come on back.” Go figure.
They first hooked me up to the NST and of course, Philip Andrew went right to sleep—and continued to sleep for about 45 minutes until they gave me some grape juice—he sort of woke up—but not really—thankfully they let me go after a little over an hour—it is not comfortable laying on that table for so long. Then Dr. Richards examined me and well…nothing has changed. Very disappointing because I then had to decide on trying to be induced or scheduling a C-section. He explained that because I haven’t had any change (and I’d get more graphic but I’m sure you can use your imaginations if you have had children before) my body just doesn’t show any favorable signs for an induction being successful and that I would most likely end up with a C-section. Rusty and I have known about this possibility since we met with him in July—and we have thought about it a lot—there is nothing I want more at this point with regards to delivering the baby than to deliver naturally—but that just might not be God’s plan for Philip Andrew. I went ahead and signed all the stuff for a C-section delivery for Monday morning (November 5th)—I’ll be the first one scheduled. Hopefully, I’ll go into labor before then—Rusty thinks November 1st might be “the day”—but if not, I’m now preparing for the C-section. Please join us in praying that I will go into labor before then. Everything looks the same with Philip Andrew—he’s measuring right on time and he has a nice little heartbeat—sorry, no pictures of him this time.
We do have pictures of Tiffany! Isn’t she the most precious Lady Bug!!!!
We hope everyone has a Happy Halloween! We miss everyone in Birmingham so much and we can’t wait to be home. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Much Love, Liz & Rusty