(for those of you who are not MadGab champs--that reads "Super Sleepy")
Par was Wide Awake this morning--eating like a champ--and then around 2:30 he decided to get a little nap in and slept until 5:30pm. I tried to get him up at 4pm--but he just kept on sleeping. When he did finally wake up--he was a hungry hippo! Boo was visiting and he put on a little smiling show for her...
Later, Rusty and I put on a "12 days of Christmas" musical for Par. He loves the song (ironic, huh?) and so we played the song multiple times adding different motions each time--he loves it (and he thinks his parents are crazy). He was a good little baby today and tonight...what he doesn't know won't hurt him...
What he doesn't know is that tomorrow he gets his immunizations--I am not looking forward to it. He's already been through so much, I hate to make him feel bad again--but hopefully this will be "nothing" considering what he has already had done. He has also had a little rash that I called the doctor about last Friday--not anything major, but hopefully tomorrow we'll find out if it is from something I'm eating or something environmental--it didn't show up until we got home.
He also gets weighed tomorrow. I am nervous--having switched to exclusive breastfeeding, he is bound to have had some weight loss--I just hope it isn't anything major that will keep us from plugging along with the breastfeeding--he is doing so well. Please pray that he will not have lost too much weight--actually, please pray for a weight gain!!!--wouldn't that be amazing!?!
We praise God for all the gifts He has given us in Par. We continue to pray for Par's friends and we praise God each step his friends are able to take.
Liz, Rusty & Par
i feel positive that there will be weight gain nad NOT weight loss,keep on TRUSTING IN THE LORD AND EVERYTHING WILL BE ALLRIGHT,love to all and he is just so cute and i love all the smiles.
That is a beautiful smile. We can not wait to hear how much weight Par has gained. Praying for each of you as you go through the shots. Have a blessed day. Love, Jim and Sheila
shots are always tough, but par is a tough guy...he'll do great! Ask if you can give a little tylenol ahead of time to reduce any pain afterwards. i don't know what par is allowed and all at this time in his recovery.
good luck & lots of wishes for a chunky monkey!
love - the basingers
hey par,i hope that your shots went well and i hope you feel better afterwards.
Bring along your husband for shots. They are a little tough on the Mommy. Not so much for the baby.
Love your blog!
I bet he has gained more than you think!
Hopefully the immunizations won't hurt him too bad. I HATE taking Claire to get shots. Someone told me to give her some infant Tylenol/Motrin before we go so that the stick doesn't hurt so bad.
I hope Par has gained weight! I bet he has -- he probably gets more milk out faster from you than from the bottle.
Good luck and keep us posted!
Par has the cutest smile! Shots are always hard but I'm sure he will do fine.
You guys are so awesome!! Par is lucky to have such FUN parents!! Love, love, love the pictures today!! What a personality for such a little man!!
Love and prayers,
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